US Driven By Nazi War Machine by Finian Cunningham

It becomes painfully evident that we are the worst of the bad guys on the world stage. The U.S. has been at the heart of the world’s struggles since the end of World War II. Whether its Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, or wherever. We are, by far, the world’s biggest liability and may eventually be the key player in mankind’s ultimate extinction. While some of us have been truly deceived, for many, our arrogance and self-deceptions are of epic proportions. Our propensity for aggression and the ease with which we inflict pain on others, with little or no regard for the suffering of those we hurt, may be what eventually triggers our own demise. To live by the sword is to die by the sword, or so they say. What will happen to future generations when the empire finally collapses from the sheer weight of its own lust for domination and our enemies arrive from all directions with swords in hand and a lust to spill American blood in order to avenge their fallen dead? What will become of us? our thoughts here… (optional)

Dandelion Salad

by Finian Cunningham
Writer, Dandelion Salad
East Africa
Crossposted from PressTV
May 11, 2013

The annual VE Day – victory in Europe – celebrations held this month see, as usual, Western governments indulging in self-glory and moral superiority for their supposed defeat of German fascism. However, the official history books do not tell of the secret pact that Western governments and Washington in particular formed with the remnants of the Nazi war machine.

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About Charles Lamadrid

As a lifelong whistle-blower, humanist, and now, activist, I have served ten years in the U.S. prison system for "crimes" that were based on someone's fictitious beliefs about who I am and what I have always truly represented. With decades of having been falsely labeled as a severely mentally ill person, my credibility has been under siege all of my adult life. My ideas and my life story, like truth itself, are stranger than fiction. America, like the rest of the world, and our ability to reason our way through our problems, is under assault from many different angles. The center of power in this nation no longer resides in Washington D.C. but, rather, on Wall Street. More and more, every day, our nation is falling more deeply under the control of huge supranational corporations whose bottom line is the profit motive and which threaten to cannibalize everything that gets in their path, including the planet, itself, which, at least for the time being, is man and womankind's only home and refuge. If we, the 99% of us who belong to an underclass, do not put our seemingly endless difference aside, unite and successfully thwart this descent into the very depths of hell, then humanity and all of life on Earth will, ultimately, cease to exist. It is my belief that the fate of humanity will be decided within the next 50-100 years, leaving us precious little time to save ourselves and future generations from eternal darkness. The Earth, being 4.5 billion years old, has permitted life for 4 billion of those years. The time has now come to organize and mobilize ourselves for one last stand, a last-ditch effort that will be definitive. To ignore this call, which is borne out of love, not duty is to find ourselves on the wrong side of history and to be complicit in the perpetuation and growth of a monstrous evil. Let those who truly love their children stand up and defend them, proving it through their actions, and may those who don't, perish, along with those forces who've sinisterly betrayed them in their own name.
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